Monday, April 04, 2011


I'd like to write about Baby Edrei's congenital anomaly. jejunuileal atresia is a medical term that many had asked me of its explanation.

Baby Edrei's condition was termed congenital jejunuileal atresia (JIA).. Jejunoileal atresia involves an obstruction of the middle region (jejunum) or lower region (ileum) of the small intestine. The segment of intestine just before the obstruction becomes massively enlarged (dilated), thus hindering its ability to absorb nutrients and propel its contents through the digestive tract. In 10 to 15% of infants with jejunoileal atresia, part of the intestine dies during fetal development. A significant percentage of infants with this condition also have abnormalities of intestinal rotation and fixation. Cystic fibrosis is also an associated disorder and may seriously complicate the management of jejunoileal atresia. (

Types of jejunuileal atresia
There are 5 types of jejunuileal atresia. Type I, II, IIIA, IIIB & IV..Of these types Baby Edrei got type IV, that is multiple atretic segments. The rare type.

The anomaly can be diagnosed prenatally via ultrasound or shortly after delivery, as the intestinal blockage will cause abdominal distention, difficulty in feeding, and bowel movements & vomiting bile.  Baby Edrei's case was diagnosed beforehand in an ultrasound. So after birth, NGT was immediately placed to expel the air & bile trapped in the intestine that was obstructed & dilated.

The docs told me that the cause is unknown. As they said, there was nothing I could have done & haven't done during my pregnancy to have caused this anomaly in my baby. I researched about it & also found nothing as its cause.. As the Pedia Doc said, "gatuhaw lng na".   

When i researched about my baby's anomaly before & after he passed away, I had chanced reading about other congenital defects in babies. Other babies in the NICU has congenital defects too. There's a lot of birth defects just as there's a lot of people having cancer nowadays & a lot of types of cancers..  I will not be surprised if the chemicals in the food we eat, in the water we drink, in the things we use & in the air that we breathe are contributors in our present health dilemma.    

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